February 2020

Crisis management should be a part of your company’s DNA

February 2020 A new employee... Besides a good perspective also a learning process: guided tours, the handover of materials, an immersion in the company culture.... He/she has t...

January 2020

When a crisis takes place abroad...

January 2020 The vast majority of the Food Security members export products abroad. Some dispose of their own staff abroad (sales office, warehouse, etc.). Others even have prod...

October 2019

“Click on this and win a dinner worth €100!” Will you fall for that?

Unfortunately, the cyber criminals of nowadays are much more sophisticated than ever. Their phishing emails are no longer clearly marked by an inheritance subject or by an amoun...

September 2019

Spokesman thrown to the wolves

In times of crisis, is it possible to talk to the press in a way that your customers’ trust can be maintained? A couple of years ago, some children became ill after having a ...

January 2019

BRC FOOD 8: Make your employees the strongest link in your company.

A new year, a new version of BRC. This version draws attention to culture, awareness and engagement. At Food Security, we have been responding to these factors for many years no...

October 2018
crisis management team

Is your crisis team ready? Take the test and let us organise a simulation exercise for you!

In the context of the Fipronil crisis, a food company had to take the necessary action. Afterwards, we were told that they had been able to successfully deal with this crisis th...

Ready to reinforce your company against a crisis?

We offer you an external and objective view on the facts 24/7, including an evaluation of the situation and advice on how to handle it.