Crisis communication

March 2020
Crisis communication

Reputation management in times of fake news and online buzz

March 2020 Before customers go into business with your company, they look you up online. Not only do they look at how you position yourself on your website, but they also take i...

September 2019
Crisis communication

Spokesman thrown to the wolves

In times of crisis, is it possible to talk to the press in a way that your customers’ trust can be maintained? A couple of years ago, some children became ill after having a ...

April 2019
Crisis communication

Product tampering with needles causes debris in a sector worth millions of dollars

April 2019 September 2018/ It was global news – needles were being found in strawberries all over Australia. As they were getting closer to tracking down the criminal, needles...

October 2018
crisis management team
Crisis communication

Is your crisis team ready? Take the test and let us organise a simulation exercise for you!

In the context of the Fipronil crisis, a food company had to take the necessary action. Afterwards, we were told that they had been able to successfully deal with this crisis th...

April 2018
SEO google
Crisis communication

Google never forgets...

Food Security attained the ‘International crisis communications conference’ in Berlin. One workshop demonstrated that Google does not or hardly forgets your crisis, which tu...

February 2018
shocked woman
Crisis communication

Social everywhere? Good agreements provide for good working conditions

From snaps, to a Whatsapp message to adding a photo to your instastory… Nowadays, there are so many possibilities to share your life with the world. The future of social media...

Ready to reinforce your company against a crisis?

We offer you an external and objective view on the facts 24/7, including an evaluation of the situation and advice on how to handle it.